Automated Campaigns
You’ve heard the terms “nurture” or “drip” campaign, but maybe you aren’t sure what they actually are or how to go about creating one. Why would you need something like that and how can it benefit your business and save you time?
Let's dig in.
A nurture campaign is an automated digital campaign (usually email, but sometimes includes SMS or retargeting ads) that is triggered based on a user’s actions, behavior, purchases, or interests. A drip campaign is very similar, but usually is less complex and consists of a series of emails sent at time-based intervals instead of triggered by behaviors or decision points (think a welcome campaign).
Nurture/drip campaigns are created to “nurture” or encourage a user to complete a specific action (purchase a product/service, leave a review, download an ebook, register for an event, etc.). They are highly segmented and targeted for those customers or leads that are most likely to convert or engage.
Here’s an example:
You have an event coming up in a few weeks promoting a new service offering. You want your current customers, who have previously purchased a complimentary service, to sign up for the event to learn about this new service and hopefully add it on to their next purchase/visit.
In addition to promoting the event on your website, social spaces, and in your physical location, creating a series of emails that are sent to those customers who have previously purchased a complimentary service will help keep the event top of mind and encourage them to sign up.
The emails build off each other and offer details about the event, the new service offering, and ideally some kind of early bird special or discounted price for a limited time. They are spaced out in a cadence that makes sense to the event date and automatically removes those customers who sign up for the event so they don’t continue to receive the emails. The email sequence is also automated so you can “set it and forget it” to focus on planning the other event details.
Cool, huh?
This is just one way you can use an automated nurture campaign to assist your marketing strategy and increase engagement. Automated campaigns can be as simple or as complex as needed to align with your specific goals, budget or time constraints. For small business owners who are just starting out with this strategy, it is recommended to start small and build from there. It can get overwhelming quickly to manage a huge automated campaign so only do what you’re comfortable with or hire an expert to help.
Want to chat more about automated campaigns and how they might work for your business? Schedule a Free 30 Minute Consultation and get all your questions answered, plus get personalized recommendations on where and how to get started.