How to Create a Birth Chart for your Business.

You probably know your personal zodiac sign (also referred to as your Sun sign, or your star sign) and you may even know some of your other personal placements, such as your Moon sign or Rising sign. But, did you know you can create a birth chart for your business as well?

Not only can you create a birth chart for your business, but doing so can actually be extremely insightful and provide powerful insights into how your business operates and how you can nurture growth in an authentic and sustainable way. So, let’s dig in.

Determining Birth Data

To create a birth chart for your business, you need the same information as you would need for a personal chart: Birth Date, Birth Time and Birth Location. When you’re doing this for a person, it’s typically pretty easy to find that information from the birth certificate. When we’re dealing with a business, though, it can be a little less clear cut.

Think back to when the business was first formed. There should be a specific date when you felt like “ok, this is real now”. You can compare it to the process of a baby being born. First there’s the idea phase, the initial knowledge that there is a human growing and that it will eventually enter the world. Then there’s the planning phase. All of the months of pregnancy where you’re buying baby clothes, a crib, painting the nursery, making plans for childcare and work, etc. Then, the baby is finally born and everything you’ve been planning for and hoping for and dreaming about become a reality. It finally feels “real”.

So, back to your business, now. You should be able to remember the first idea phase where you had the vision for your business and knew you needed to do something with it. Then there was the planning phase where you wrote out your business plan, found a space to rent, built a website, etc. etc. Sometimes this planning phase is really long and sometimes it’s relatively short. Then, finally there should be a date you can pinpoint that truly felt like your business was born out into the world and became a real, living, breathing entity that you could share with others. This could be any number of things. It could be when you opened your doors at a physical location. It could be when you officially launched your website. It could be when you registered your business with the state and could begin accepting customers. Or maybe it’s when you had your first paying customer. Use your intuition and gut feelings for when this date was, but don’t overthink it.

The second piece that is needed is the birth time. This one can be a bit trickier but ideally should be nailed down within 15 minutes if possible. Look back at legal documents, social media, emails, etc. to see if you can find an exact time. While the time is not crucial to creating the chart, it helps give context to areas of the life that the planetary energies manifest within and also determines the Ascendant or Rising sign. If you truly do not know the time, you can choose to use 12pm, but just know that the Rising sign and house placements may not be entirely accurate.

The last thing you’ll need is the location: City, State and Country. This should be fairly easy to determine. It is either the physical location of your business (if you have a physical office or store) or the location that you work from or where you were when the business was formed.

Once you have all this information, you’re ready to create your business’s birth chart.

Choosing a Birth Chart Calculator

There are many free birth chart calculators on the internet as well as apps you can download to your phone. Here’s a list of some free birth chart calculators and apps you can use:

My personal favorite web-based free chart generator is, which I will provide instructions for below. For phone-based apps, I love and use both Time Nomad and CHANI.

The main consideration you’ll want to think about when choosing a birth chart calculator is the house system used to calculate the chart. There are a few different house systems that can be used to calculate a chart and I won’t get into the details of each one in this post. But the key point to understand is that the house system used to calculate the chart will determine how and where the houses (or pie pieces in the chart) fall in relation to the Ascendant or Rising sign. This will determine which houses the planets are placed in, and therefore which areas of the life are highlighted.

I personally use Whole Sign Houses, which divides the houses evenly across the chart and has a 1:1 ratio with the zodiac signs. Not only is this house system the oldest and most traditional, I find it simpler to interpret and understand. The other popular house system in modern astrology is Placidus, which is likely the default in most free birth chart calculators. For the purposes of this blog post, we will use Whole Sign Houses.


Creating the Chart

The instructions for creating a chart below are for If you choose to use a different website or app, the exact instructions may vary but the data you input will be the same.

  1. Go to and enter the birth data for your BUSINESS (name, location, date and time). Then click “Create Chart”. The default chart will be in the Placidus house system and will contain placements and aspects that are more advanced so next we’ll need to change the settings.

  2. Click on the “Settings” box. Expand the “Houses” dropdown then change it from Placidus to Whole Signs. If you do not have an exact birth time for your business, you can turn off houses altogether to simplify the chart if you’d like. Otherwise, leave them on.

  3. Then click on the “Aspects” dropdown to expand it. Uncheck all aspects listed. Aspects are a deeply powerful way to understand how planets interact with each other in a chart, but it is more advanced than what we’ll discuss here so we’ll turn them off for now to create a simpler view of the chart.

  4. Then click “Apply”.

You now have your business birth chart! The key placements you’ll want to identify are the Sun, Moon and Rising sign (ASC). Take a look at the zodiac sign and house that they fall in as well as any other planets that are nearby.

Other things to consider and take note of: Do you have a cluster of planets in one or two signs? Are most of the planets situated in one half of the chart? Are they pretty evenly distributed? Are the Sun and Moon right next to each other or directly across from each other (signifying a New Moon or Full Moon, respectively)? Take note of anything that jumps out at you right away.

Once you have this chart, you can either take a screenshot or print it off or save it some way so you can come back to it. I do recommend saving it with and without Aspects turned on as you may want to dive into the planetary aspects later on as you dig deeper into the chart.

Interpreting the Chart with a Business Personality Report

Of course, you can do some Googling on your business’s chart placements to begin to understand what they all mean, but most of the information you’ll find is written for a personal chart, not a business. You can still gain some general insights that way, but if you’re truly looking for some deep understanding into your business’s core personality, communication style, challenges and growth opportunities, I’ve created the Business Personality Report. This report contains a comprehensive overview of 6 key placements in the business chart, detailed interpretations for each one as well as recommendations for branding, communication and growth strategies specifically for YOUR business. It is a great way to begin to deeply understand who your business is and how you can work with it to nurture authentic and sustainable growth.


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